Lessons in schools
Instrumental and singing lessons in school
Cost of music lessons
Where do lessons take place?
Getting an instrument
Assisted instrument purchase scheme
Enrolling for lessons
Music grades
Terms and conditions
Music Centres
Our Centres
Leighton Linslade
South Beds Sinfonia
Costs and enrolling
Terms and conditions
Schools and settings
Schools and settings - overview
Curriculum Enrichment Offer
Orchestras in Context
Booking form (XLSX)
Music library
About us
Our mission
Staff and instruments
Our partner organisations
Delivering services
Enrolling for Hub Events
BLMK Music Hub
Terms and Conditions
Pay an invoice
Lessons in schools
Instrumental and singing lessons in school
Cost of music lessons
Where do lessons take place?
Getting an instrument
Assisted instrument purchase scheme
Enrolling for lessons
Music grades
Terms and conditions
Music Centres
Our Centres
Leighton Linslade
South Beds Sinfonia
Costs and enrolling
Terms and conditions
Schools and settings
Schools and settings - overview
Curriculum Enrichment Offer
Orchestras in Context
Booking form (XLSX)
Music library
About us
Our mission
Staff and instruments
Our partner organisations
Delivering services
Enrolling for Hub Events
BLMK Music Hub
Terms and Conditions
Pay an invoice