Image shows a toddler playing the drums with the title, Mini Music Makers

Mini Music Makers

A magical, musical space is coming to Downside, Dunstable

If you are a parent or carer for a child aged 2 – 4 years, living in the South and Downside area of Dunstable, we have great news.  A new magical, musical experience is available, for free!  Come along and enjoy our child-led musical group to start your child on their musical journey. 

Sessions will be led by professional musicians from Sinfonia Verdi and Ozzlebox, the human Beatboxer.  Children will have the opportunity to play with other children and enjoy:   

  • song, beatboxing and moving to music

  • a sensory sound garden

  • a range of percussion instruments and sound makers.

When and where

Mini Music Makers is held weekly during term time, on a Tuesday with two sessions available:

Date: 28 February – 18 July 2023    

Time: 9.15am – 10am or 10:15am – 11am

Venue: St Augustine’s Church Centre, Oakwood Avenue, Dunstable, LU5 4AR

Have fun and support your child’s early development

The safe, musical play space is a great way to start your child’s journey into music and for them to explore how to make sound with various instruments.  It also supports your child’s development by improving their:

  • communication skills

  • coordination

  • self-expression

  • social skills

  • ability to bond with their parent or carer.

Connect with other parents and carers

During each session there’ll be a chance for you to socialise with other parents and carers, to talk, connect and get to know other families in the area. 


Spaces are limited so secure your space quickly!  There’s no cost, all we ask is that you pre-book and attend each week.  To book, please contact the Children’s Centre direct via:

Tel: 0300 300 8104



With thanks to our partners

Mini Music Makers is made possible by Youth Music, with thanks to the National Lottery via the Arts Council England.

Image shows the logos for Youth Music and Lottery Funded Arts Council