Step into Music

Begin to explore pitch, pulse, tempo and dynamics through a variety of songs and rhythms with the help of some puppet friends!

Between three, four and six weeks of tuition depending on the project.

Up to 60 minutes per week (dependent upon age of pupils) which includes setting up and clearing away as needed. Specific times mentioned where necessary. All instruments / digital resources are provided for the duration of the project.

Who is this suitable for?

  • Early Years
  • Key Stage 1

How much does it cost?

The cost is £59.50 per session, which works out as:

  • 3 weeks - £178.50
  • 4 weeks - £238
  • 6 weeks - £357

What does the school need to provide?

  • appropriate teaching space for the activity involved
  • supportive classroom management
  • whiteboard
  • safe storage space and responsibility of care for Inspiring Music resources and instruments where provided

Booking code

Please use booking code PR01 when you make your booking.